Meet Shaun & Ari: The Masterminds Behind 10xBNB

From a tiny $65/night spare apartment bedroom to Airbnbing over $100+ million of premium real estate...
The sons of different sets of Iranian immigrant parents who fled dictatorship for freedom, Shaun Ghavami and Ari Rahmanian became friends in college.

From Co-Listing to Millions

Starting off with little to no savings, Shaun and Ari were forced to innovate their unique “Co-Listing” income generation system that allowed them to break into Airbnb with no money and no risk.  Ultimately, they launched their own company, Iconic Retreats, in Vancouver, Canada, (known as the “Hollywood of the North” because so many big movies are shot there) where they now oversee the short-term rental of a portfolio of $100 million+ of premium “A-list” real estate.

Where Are We Today?

Since 2018, they’ve generated over $5 million in documented booking fees and served over 3,000 guests. Earning themselves coveted Superhost® status and 1,000+ 5-star reviews.   Using their own proprietary pricing formulas, and a plethora of unconventional marketing methods, Shaun & Ari specialize in turning even the most average Airbnb rental into a major cash flow stream. Staying true to their hard-working immigrant roots, today, Shaun & Ari share their unique income-generation strategies with committed go-getters inside their private 10XBNB mastermind.

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